15 Years and Then…

Sometimes being in crappy situations lead to sublime situations. With the amount of time that I have spent in the hospital over the past 4 months so many times, experiences, people have crossed my mind. One friend crossed my mind last week was my friend, Adam, I met my freshman year in college and I remembered that I hadn't talked to him in at least 15 years. The last time that I had tried to locate him on Facebook, or any social media platform for that matter, were unsuccessful. But I searched again, this time finding him. The next day…

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The Waiting Game

Just a not so quick update: I am still in the hospital, stable thanks to a milrinone drip and many other medications, but my heart function is progressively getting worse. As for the non-HLA blood test that was drawn on the 13th, the results came back from UCLA and 2 of the 4 antibodies are coming back. The main one thought to be the culprit for my rejection (AT1R) and near death in November is back into the active range. In January it was down to 6 (anything above 10 is active) and now it's at 12. So, the transplant…

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