So I fell behind…

This week I am preparing to make my way back to Florida. My last appointment that I’m required to be here for is scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday September 23rd). I have had the plan made for a couple of months that I would drive home, avoiding being cooped up in an airplane with potential carriers of COVID-19. After discussing plans with my doctors for returning for future check-ups it occurred to me that I could wear an N95 mask, with a surgical mask over it, which was an idea given to me by some people at Cedars. Over the past…

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The Long Overdue Update

Overdue is an understatement for this update. I can't believe after months of trying to get this site back up, I am finally writing. There were plenty of times I was ready to give up and go through the process of starting a new one. Now for the update: If your only exposure to my life has been reading my posts on here, you are in for a big surprise. I've received a "replacement transplant" on June 22nd, 2020 at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, CA. This latest chapter started on May 11th, I had not slept well in a…

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