Delayed update

Last weekend I ended up in the emergency room. Saturday I started to get a headache but it wasn't out of the ordinary, I have a history of migraines as a side effect of Tacrolimus (one of my anti-rejection medications). Headaches are one of the most common side-effects and according to one neurologist I spoke with could be in the 60% range if people who take the drug. Since 2017 I have been receiving Botox for this reason and have been maintaining the headaches well. When I woke up Sunday morning, the headache had intensified, but still wasn't the worst…

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Another Wasted Weekend (And Not the Fun Kind)

There are a lot better posts that I would like to be making, but this is the reality. I am writing this from the hospital. At this point it seems to be only for an infection, parainfluenza type 3, which contrary to its name is not influenza, but basically a cold. In some cases, especially people with suppressed immune systems this virus leads to pneumonia, which I developed in my right lung. Friday's sunrise from my hospital window In hindsight, my first symptoms were probably middle to late last week. Whenever anything is starting to go wrong with my health…

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That moment when your life changes forever

Today is May 7th. A day that would not stand out for most people, including me if it wasn't for Facebook's memories feature reminding me of the posts informing the world that today, four years ago, my life would forever change in a way that no one should ever have to go through. I would never wish this life on my worst enemy, but it is the life that I have now. And as anyone would do, I make the best of what I have left. If even one other individual can be inspired to go to the doctor, be…

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The Niña, the Pinta, and the S…Systolic blood pressure.. I got nothing…

Happy Monday! So far no help from either Cedars or Advent Health. Brandon's still dealing with the side effects of months of high-dose prednisone and walking around with his IV pump. His potassium was abnormal from all the diuretics so they backed off those last week and so far he's tolerating the change without any fluid build-up. So there's that. GTM Reserve with these dudes This replica of the Santa Maria is available to tour in St Augustine through May 5th. In good news we had a lovely weekend together. I had to take a few days off for my…

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I Think a Change Would Do Us Good

Change seems to be the theme this week, and for the most part, that is a good thing. The biggest news is that, for multiple reasons, I will be changing to a different primary transplant cardiologist within the same team in Florida. My current primary cardiologist is leaving later this year, and if I had known that, for sure, before approaching him with my concerns, I might have slept a little easier leading up to that conversation. Either way, I needed to express my concerns, and I am switching sooner rather than later. The main concern from my perspective as…

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Starting tomorrow it's back to the grindstone of medical mayhem. Brandon has to drive four hours roundtrip to Orlando both Monday and Tuesday for his 2-hour photophoresis treatments and a meeting with one of his plethora of doctors. But this weekend we got to spend some voluntary time in Orlando, which was a nice change. Evel Brandnievel We spent last night at Gilt nightclub ( ) dancing to DJ Malaa. This (late) morning we did a Waffle House-fueled 15 miles on the Seminole-Wekiva trail, enjoying shade, a cool breeze, and some sweet trail art ( ). Brandon did…

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I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle

Ashley here – Long time brokenbeatblog reader, first time guest poster. So Brandon can’t swim because he can’t get the IV pump or the line that runs into his chest below his right collarbone wet, and he can’t run because his heart function is still crappy. But today he did strap on his sweet pump-containing fanny pack and hit the road for a 14 mile bike ride. It was sunny and beautiful and perfect. And we saw a snake. So a good day for all.  I think Brandon does a good job on this blog of sharing the severity of…

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Friday afternoon I received the call from Cedars-Sinai Hospital. As the title of this blog states, they did reject me, but it's for a big reason that is better than I was hoping. The team has reasons to believe at this point that my heart is still recovering. So as of now, they are working with my transplant team here, in Florida, on further testing. Right now they are ordering a cardiac MRI. This will show how much fibrosis, or scarring, is present on the heart. Hopefully, the rejection has not left too much scar tissue, we will pursue recovery…

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Decision Day

Today is decision day for Cedars-Sinai's selection committee, and I am still deciding how to feel about them deciding. My large part of my personality wants them to have the decision a week away, always. This transplant listing is the fourth time that I have gone through an evaluation and waited on a call with the decision. I can say, it's just different every time, never really easier or more difficult overall. The first time was within weeks of when I first found out I had a heart condition. I was in Utah and denial of the severity of the…

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